Whitefox Publishing challenged us to make a special edition of a book to sit alongside the principal paperback for one of their authors. Sharing the same content as the main ‘trade’ edition, this book was reprinted on Mohawk Superfine and fully bound in leather with two colour intricate foil work on the case.
The case has a beautifully simple and elegant design involving two coloured foils and circles within circles. ‘Simple’ rarely means ‘easy’ and this was no exception. With a circle within a circle the fit is absolutely crucial as the slightest movement will be blindingly obvious to even the most casual observer. We overcame this by ensuring ample time for all the materials at the bindery to acclimatise to the local temperature and humidity before beginning the blocking. The brasses were fitted together and the colours run in quick succession to mitigate against any changes over time. The result speak for itself; it’s looks beautifully simple.