Arkonik find and rebuild landcover Discoverys. Each vehicle is taken apart and lovingly restored, repainted and rebuild to a standard that is, frankly, better than new. With all the little rust or engineering weaknesses of the original re-engineered out. The result is a hand-built icon. However, this isn’t a production line; each vehicle is made to order and the ‘new’ vehicle named and shipped to the owner. These books are the story of the build and are unique to the machine and owner.
Although each vehicle is unique, they all go through the same engineering stages before emerging as a ‘new’ Land Rover. Our task was to find a way to make a unique book that could be priced more like a production run. We did this by identifying the engineering stages and creating a template that could be populated from photography taken as the vehicle entered each stage before the final stage where it goes on road and field tests. We selected a range of cloths and leathers to offer the new owners with the ultimate luxury of using the materials from the vehicle itself to bind the book.